Presentations from #OUGN17 uploaded


OUGN17 is over and I’m back home with new impressions. Definitely, once again, a job well done by the organizing committee.

Preparing, presenting and co-presenting 3 sessions, all held on friday, took quite a bit of work and nerve, but it was great fun since it went fairly well!

The three presentations have been uploaded to OUGNs site:

  • P71 Oppgraderingen som ikke kunne feile – (Hosted by Håkon Onsager, Magnus Fagertun and me)

A customer story about RAT-testing before upgrading from 11G to 12c. I only did the findings and solutions bit.

  • P114 Scalability, maintainability, correctness? Easier with #ThickDB!

Where I explain why the ThickDB-paradigm is crucial for future maintenance, as well as performance and scalability

  • P28 Komplekse jobb-kjeder med Oracle Scheduler

A case study of a large data migration PoC where the Scheduler plays an important part in orchestrating the steps, sequences and controlling resource utilization

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