
My name is Vidar Eidissen, and I’ve been working with software development since the early 1990’s. In my career I’ve always been working with databases and datasets that are large enough to require careful design to achieve performance.

This is my blog for testing out and documenting theories, primarily around Oracle databases, including software patterns for good performance and maintainability.

The blog-name comes out of the fact that sometimes the nice theory is just that; a nice theory, but it doesn’t necessarily work in practice.

I am a consultant developer, focusing on performant, reliable and maintainable database code. I’ve worked with Oracle and PL/SQL since 1998 and have a fairly good understanding of the database from both a developer and a DBA’s standpoint. You might call me a developer(/DBA), since I haven’t done installing, patching and backups in a while.

I coach development teams and build team’s skills in utilizing the database for manageable and efficient solutions.

I’ve been working in IT in the healthcare sector since 1993, building the largest healthcare databases in Norway. I’ve done my share of work in data conversion/ETL, application development, application performance tuning, SQL tuning, performance testing (LoadRunner/RAT), troubleshooting and more.

I advocate a holistic approach to application performance, focusing not on the single layers in the application, but on the behavior of the system from the end-user and down. The business needs should drive the development.

I live in the city of Bodø, northern Norway. On my spare time, I try to keep a little bit in shape, so that I can enjoy skiing (cross country, randonnée, downhill/telemark), biking (mountain/trail/road), swimming (indoors/open water) and running. As I’m not very disciplined when it comes to training, I need to do stuff that’s fun. 🙂

Just a few km left of running in Lofoten Triathlon 2016


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