Set based is faster? Well – not always

I was about to optimise some code from using FORALL to work set based, but a small test changed my mind.

I had some batch-processing code using object structures in PL/SQL. I had already written it, using the FORALL syntax to insert rows into a table. FORALL is pretty efficient, bulking up the values and reducing the context switches over to the SQL engine performing the inserts. Remembering the article I wrote last year about FORALL still being row-by-row processing, I thought I’d rewrite my code to use a set based approach to improve it even further. So – I wrote a small test to check out the expected improvement and I was surprised.

This was my test case:

-- Create a table to insert the data into
create table veitest
id number primary key,
text1 varchar2(50),
text2 varchar2(50),
somenumber number

-- Create a simple object type to hold a collection in memory in PL/SQL:
create or replace type t_master as object
id number,
text1 varchar2(50),
text2 varchar2(50),
somenumber number

create or replace type t_master_tab as table of t_master;

l_records t_master_tab;
l_start timestamp;
l_end timestamp;

procedure start_timer is
l_start := systimestamp;

procedure end_timer(p_label in varchar2) is
l_end := systimestamp;
dbms_output.put_line(l_end - l_start || ': ' || p_label);
-- Generate test-data and load it into memory

select * bulk collect
into l_records
from (select t_master(rownum,
lpad('x', 50, 'x'),
lpad('x', 50, 'x'),
rownum + 500)
from dual
connect by level <= 50000);


-- Write to the table using a FORALL-statement:

forall i in 1..l_records.count
insert into veitest(id, text1, text2, somenumber)
values (l_records(i).id, l_records(i).text1, l_records(i).text2, l_records(i).somenumber);


-- Write to the table using a set-based SQL
insert into veitest(id, text1, text2, somenumber)
select id, text1, text2, somenumber
from table (l_records);


-- With level <= 50.000:
+000000000 00:00:00.061386000: load
+000000000 00:00:00.034706000: forall
+000000000 00:00:00.058432000: sql

-- With level <= 500.000:
+000000000 00:00:00.423975000: load
+000000000 00:00:00.370070000: forall
+000000000 00:00:00.591293000: sql

So – the FORALL-statement ended up being faster. I expect the FORALL inserts to be fairly efficient, even though they show up as individual statement executions in the AWR report. The set-based version has probably some overhead in the conversion happening in the table (l_records) part.

So – even if the local DBA was worried about the millions of insert-executions showing up in the AWR-report, I was pleased, because the code in our batch was rather efficient.

And – of course – a regular for-loop would have been to slow.

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